What they need

We recognize that numerous organizations are dedicated to educating, sheltering, feeding, clothing, and assisting victims of human trafficking, yet most victims remain unrecovered.

The process of rescuing and assisting victims is often complicated and disorganized, hindering the victim’s access to support.

There is a prevalent lack of awareness and education among the public, leaving many unaware of the unfolding dangers of human trafficking in their own communities.

Victims frequently return to exploitation due to a lack of clear recovery pathways, highlighting the need for improved support systems.

The vulnerabilities of children persist as self-tracking and labor trafficking continue to pose significant challenges.

Social media platforms are increasingly weaponized to manipulate and coerce young people into trafficking through blackmail and coercion.

Our commitment lies in the collaboration with many diverse organizations and increasing awareness at large.

By joining forces and taking purposeful action, we strive to create a world where victims are rescued, supported, and empowered to reclaim their lives.